Angelus (15 August 1983)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Monday, 15 August 1983, the Holy Father recited the Angelus on the Solemnity of the Assumption with the accompanying words. 

Dear Brothers and Sisters present in Lourdes, from all nations, because Lourdes has a universal vocation, where every Catholic must feel at home, close to Mary, we are going to gather for the Angelus prayer.

I cordially greet the pilgrims coming from neighboring countries, and particularly from Spain, where the Immaculate Virgin has such an important place.

Amadísimos: In the grand fiesta of Asunción, you felt in Spain as well as in Latin America, you invite me to trust in the Virgen Santísima. That María sea the faro that her child to God and that she knew transformed into views of our hearts and seventy create a climate of fraternal convivencia in views of homes and in the society. With my deepest agradecimiento por vuestra presencia, os bendigo de corazón.

Ai pellegrini di lingua italiana semper così numerosi e così devoti va ora il mio particolare saluto. All year round we have many pellegrinaggi of the malati organizzati of the UNITALSI and of the OFTAL che vengono a Lourdes da Roma comme da tutte le diocesi e parochie d'Italia tra i quali ache quello dei sacerdoti infermi. Molti sono i group e le famiglie che qui giungono pour pregare la Vergine Immacolata. The dedication to Mary has always been the source of deep spiritual consolation and faith in the heart of your Christian faith.  

To all the English speaking pilgrims, I offer a special, greeting of grace and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ. May all of you find renewed grace for christian living in realizing how much Christ loved his mother whose redemption culminates so magnificently in the mystery of her assumption. Blesses be Mary's glorious assumption.

Liebe Pilger deutscher Sprache!

Die Vollendung Marias in der Herrlichkeit ihres Sohnes leuchtet als Zeichen des Trostes und der Hoffnung über diesem Tal der Tränen. Seien wir gesund oder krank: auch unser Leid ist unsichtbar schon jetzt von der himmlischen Herrlichkeit unseres eilandes durchdrungen, Maria starke uns in diesem Glauben!

Serdecznie pozdrawiam Polonię z Francji, Anglii, Belgii i innych krajów, a także współbraci z Ojczyzny. Łączymy się w tym uroczystym dniu z Jasną Górą, i śpiewamy chwałę Wniebowziętej Naszej Pani. Wszystkim “Szczęść Boże”!

And you, dear Brothers and Sisters of France, or of Europe, who watch us on television or listen to us on the radio, you are also one of us.

And without forgetting you, French people from overseas departments and territories, distant by distance, but close to our hearts: you who contribute to giving the people of France a more universal dimension and a new missionary breath. . .

I wish everyone great joy,

because we have just celebrated in Lourdes Saint Mary, this simple woman of Nazareth whom all generations for two thousand years have rightly called blessed, blessed among all women, mother of Christ Jesus, Son of man and Son of God. Today we are sure that in heaven, that is to say in the radiance of Christ, she shines with incomparable brilliance, because she is clothed with the light of God, like her resurrected Son. She precedes us all in the resurrection. She is the prototype of the Church. And here, 125 years ago, Bernadette, before knowing her name - “Immaculate Conception” - was struck by her beauty, her radiant happiness, her simplicity.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, it is always this Woman who reminds of the love of God to a world which ignores it or no longer dares to believe in it; it is she who reminds us that God gave his only Son to the world, the Word, who became man, in her, through her; that He dwelt among us; it is she who beckons us to approach God, his forgiveness, his Life, without fear of opening our door to him, of submitting our life to him. Wherever it is well invoked, faith in Christ remains more vibrant or flourishes again.

You have many opportunities in each of your countries; and especially in France, to feel close to Marie. So many places, so many sanctuaries bear the name of Notre-Dame! So many bell towers announce three times a day the “Angelus”, the announcement made to Mary. It is so simple and so beautiful to repeat to her: “Hail Mary”. I will do it today with you, as I do personally every day; and every Sunday with the faithful who come to Rome.

We will pray for your families and especially for all the women of the earth, for those called Mary - to whom I offer my festive wishes - and the others.

So that Mary helps young girls to live in clarity with the strength of soul of Bernadette.

So that, in families, women can best fulfill their wonderful vocation as wives and mothers.

So that they play the role that belongs to them in society as a whole, by testifying to their sense of person, to respect for life, to the importance of love, to a sense of beauty.

So that, in their Christian faith, they may be, in our midst, like Mary, the “servant of the Lord”, happy to believe in Him, ardent in loving Him and faithful to serve Him, and so that they may teach the world the joy of living under the gaze of God.


© Copyright 1983 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

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