At the Welcome Ceremony in Panama (5 March 1983)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Saturday, 5 March 1983, the Holy Father responded to the Welcome Ceremony at Tocumén International Airport in Panama, giving a particular greeting to the Episcopate present.

Mr. President,
Dear Brothers in the Episcopate,
Dear brothers and sisters,

I was waiting with great emotion for the moment to kiss the Panamanian land. Blessed be Divine Providence that allows me to visit this noble country, on my trip to the Central American geographical area. I know that you too strongly desire this meeting.

From the first moment I felt the enthusiastic affection of the Panamanians, in whose name and in your own name, Your Excellency, Mr. President, gave me your cordial welcome with meaningful and respectful words. I respond to your greeting, which includes that of the other Authorities present at this airport, and to the effusive expressions of the dear children of Panama — normally distant in geography, but always very close in my affection — with feelings of deep appreciation and gratitude.

I also feel united to this human fervor and cordial welcome the voices of so many other inhabitants of the country, of cities, towns and villages, children, young people and adults, dispersed throughout the national geography, from David and Bocas dei Toro to Darien. I send my cordial greeting to everyone and I will ask the Lord for everyone, especially in today's Eucharist.

But I want to reserve a particular greeting for the members of the Panamanian Episcopate present here, for the Archbishop of this city, D. Marcos Gregório McGrath, and for the President of the Episcopal Conference, D. José Maria Carrizo, as well as for the priests and consecrated people. In this particular greeting I include those who, for various reasons, such as the sick and the elderly or those who suffer for many reasons, I will not be able to meet. They are the first recipients of my trip and my first words of comfort and hope go to them.

For everyone, the Bishop of Rome and Pastor of the entire Church comes to you. Therefore, I now address to each person, family and human or ethnic group, my exhortation to always be witnesses of the love of Christ, and my Blessing.


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