Departure From Bata in Equatorial Guinea (18 February 1982)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Thursday, 18 February 1982, the Holy Father departed from Bata in Equatorial Africa with these words.

Beloved brothers and sisters.

The time has come to say goodbye to you, after these short and intense hours spent in your country.

I thank you for the cordiality of your welcome and for the expressions of affection that you have continuously lavished on me, from the moment I set foot on Guinean soil until this very moment.

For my part too, I assure you of my profound benevolence, which grew as I got to know you better and walked through your streets and squares or joined in common prayer at the altar of the Lord.

Be faithful to the faith you have received and diligently cultivate the great moral values ​​that must always guide your steps on the path of good.

I carry with me the vivid memory of your Christian enthusiasm and your courtesy, the smiles of children, the hopes of young people, the joyful and painful experiences of adults, the resolutions of consecrated people. For everyone, I will continue to ask the common Father in heaven to grant you peace, serenity and that you always be good Christians and good citizens.

In sending my respectful remembrance to the President and to the Authorities of the Nation, I leave my greetings to each child of Equatorial Guinea, of the islands or of the continent, and above all, with identical and profound affection, I implore the best blessings of God and the constant protection of our Mother, Most Holy Mary.


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