The Media: Anti-Christian Propaganda Corps

Author: A.L.L.


American Life League

Christians are the only group Hollywood can offend with impunity, the only creed it actually goes out of its way to insult. Clerics, from fundamentalist preachers to Catholic monks, are routinely represented as hypocrites, hucksters, sadists, and lechers. The tenets of Christianity are regularly held up to ridicule.

                                                                columnist Don Feder.[1]

Some of the material described in this chapter is extremely offensive in nature.

Anti-Life Philosophy.

Religion has become an outdated mode, an outdated answer to some of our problems ... I tend to think that people have to start thinking on a logical level. You have to follow your heart, and your heart is not guided by anything except what is in us as thinking animals. If it means dismantling religion, we might have to do that.

                                                                              L.A. Law star Corbin Bernsen.[2]

Our media corps is professional to the last person. Professionals do not show bias of any type, either for or against any particular religious belief or ethnic group. Anyone who says otherwise is trying to force his views off on the public through censorship.


When you see that [Christian] fish symbol on the bumper sticker of the car in front of you, know that that is the enemy.

Rock musician Frank Zappa, at a pro-abortion rally in Los Angeles in April of 1990.[2]

Theory and Practice.

In theory, the United States Constitution guarantees the protection of the expression of any idea in a private or public place. In practice, this ideal is very far from reality. There is really no such thing as 'unlimited free speech;' there are certain groups and ideas that are open to ridicule under the banner of free speech, and there are other groups that are effectively protected from any criticism whatever.

This is yet another outgrowth of the "oppressor-victim" syndrome described in Chapter 9 of Volume I, "The Victim Strategy." There is a continuing open season on those groups that have historically been perceived as "oppressors" (Whites, men, and Christians). However, any hint of adversity expressed towards those whose history includes a perception of victimization (minorities, women, sodomites) results in the predictable and tired chant of "racist, sexist, anti-gay, born-again bigots, go away!"

Open Season on Real Christians.

Perhaps the most classic example of this pervasive and insidious double standard is the media treatment of religion. As Don Feder so aptly put it, Christianity is the only creed that enjoys no protection whatever from ridicule and denigration by the secular media. Islam, because of its close relationship to Christianity, also occasionally catches a concentrated burst of abuse, usually in association with events in Iran.

Note that even Christianity is subject to the "Neoliberal exemption:" If an ultra-liberal sect of Christianity (i.e., the Metropolitan Community Church, the United Church of Christ, etc.) endorses divorce, abortion, sodomy, and other evils, it is welcomed with open arms and is effectively insulated from media abuse.

All creeds and religions except for true Christianity are completely protected from attack.

A Dangerous Practice.

It is dangerous indeed to allow certain groups to be exposed to ridicule and mockery while exempting favored groups. This builds bitterness, anger and resentment in those groups not exempted. And, when violence results as a result of sheer frustration, the media are the first to condemn the very groups whose viewpoint they have been suppressing and ridiculing for so long!

Television Bias Against Christianity.

Concrete Examples.

The people who control and manipulate television programming are, for the most part, not only atheists but anti-theists. As the Lichter-Rothman studies have conclusively shown, these media representatives effectively see their duty as agents of social change. Since vital elements of this 'social change' include free abortion, homosexual rights, divorce, and pornography, and since the Christian Church opposes such practices, the natural impulse is to degrade and ridicule the media's "enemy:" The Church. There is no question that the media are experts at ridicule, as shown by just a few recent examples listed in Figure 125-1.

For more detailed information on the Lichter-Rothman studies and the source of media biases, see Chapter 124.

FIGURE 125-1

When you see that [Christian] fish symbol on the bumper sticker of the car in front of you, know that that is the enemy.

Rock musician Frank Zappa, at a pro-abortion rally in Los Angeles, April 1990. Quoted in Joseph Farah. "Hollywood's New Blacklist: An Inside View of the Intolerance, Censorship, and Bigotry in Today's Entertainment Industry." New Dimensions Magazine, September 1990, pages 12 to 25.

We have confidence in the victory of good over evil. Fight the real enemy.

Statement of Sinead O'Connor, made as she slowly tore up a large color photograph of Pope John Paul II. Described in "O'Connor's Act Outrages many NBC Viewers." The Oregonian, October 6, 1992, page D2.

Religion has become an outdated mode, an outdated answer to some of our problems ... I tend to think that people have to start thinking on a logical level. You have to follow your heart, and your heart is not guided by anything except what is in us as thinking animals. If it means dismantling religion, we might have to do that.

"L.A. Law" star Corbin Bensen, quoted in Joseph Farah. "Hollywood's New Blacklist: An Inside View of the Intolerance, Censorship, and Bigotry in Today's Entertainment Industry." New Dimensions Magazine, September 1990, pages 12 to 25.

I've always known that Catholicism is a completely sexist, repressed, sin- and punishment-based religion.

Trash queen Madonna, quoted in US Magazine, June 13, 1991, and in "Madonna Blasts Catholics." American Family Association Journal, September 1991, page 3.

We once thought God was something out there. Now we know God exists only in the human heart.

Final words of William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk in the movie "Star Trek V." Quoted in "Humanist Includes His Message in Movie." American Family Association Journal, May 1991, page 14.

The Catholics are promulgating a breeding program to gain political control in the United States. In the poorer countries, they favor war as a method of keeping population and resources in balance. In these poor countries, the denser population is denser because the dumber Catholics and dumber others are having so many dumb children so the major influence of the Catholic's campaign against birth control is that they trade away their smart Catholics and get dumb ones.

                                                                  Elmer Pendell, Population on the Loose.

I'm a liar, a hypocrite, I'm afraid of everything. I don't ever tell the truth; I don't have the courage. I don't steal and kill, not because I don't want to, but because I'm afraid. My god is fear, look inside me and that's all you'll find. Lucifer is inside me.

"Jesus," in Martin Scorcese's film "The Last Temptation of Christ."

The Writer's Bias Against Christianity.

No Limits At All.

The only reason that writers have been mocking and degrading Christianity longer that television producers is that the written word has been in existence for a much longer period of time. With writers, as with television, there are protected religious groups and then, in a separate unprotected category, there is Christianity.

The only difference is that there is no Federal Communications Commission looking over the shoulders of writers; their attacks on Christianity can be overt and offensive in the extreme, and any objection whatever can be labeled an assault on free speech, artistic expression, and the First Amendment. A very few of the many current examples are described in the following paragraphs.

Certainly Not the Bible.

The entire book Not the Bible, written by Sean Kelly and Tony Hendra and published by Random House, is a parody of Scripture, and mocks its principles in the most hideous manner imaginable. One typical passage is a song entitled "The Book of Psongs," set to the lyrics of "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus," and reads as follows;


O bloody bloody Jesus, I love your blood so red,
I love the bloody corpuscles streaming from your head;
O bloody bloody Jesus, I love thy crimson tide,
I love the bloody Roman spear that got stuck in your side;
O rare and bloody Jesus, I love thy hands that bled,
I love the nails that pierced them O Jesus red and dead;
I'd love to drink the blood O Lord that drips from off thy feet,
and wash my hands and brush my teeth O Lord would that be sweet!
O bloody bloody Jesus, I love thy blood so red;
I loved you when you were alive, but I love you better dead!

Reference. "Random House Likes Jesus Dead." National Federation for Decency Journal, May 1984, page 3.

Book of the Damned.

One particularly extreme example of public and overt Christian-bashing is a bizarre compendium of zombie-horror stories entitled Book of the Dead and edited by John Skipp and Craig Spector in 1988. This book, and others just like it, are instructive merely because their extreme anti-Christian (and pornographic) language can be found in any bookstore and in any supermarket book section.

In the Book of the Dead, Joe Lansdale's "On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert With Dead Folks" features a Catholic nun and monk who oversee a tawdry 'city of the dead' in a desert. The main attraction of this city is a five-story high statue of Jesus, equipped with a ten-foot long erect and spotlighted penis.

The grossly obese monk is described as having body odor like "stale sweat, cheesy balls and an unwiped a__hole," and has injected his nose with a virus, causing it to rot. Supposedly this act is a penance for his sins. The nun is dressed in a very abbreviated habit that would be more appropriate garb for a prostitute. The monk and the nun kidnap two live drifters, Wayne and Calhoun, and a breathtakingly vile conversation commences;

"What order are you?" Wayne asked. "Jesus Loved Mary," the nun said. "His mama?" Wayne said. "Mary Magdalene. We think he f_cked her. They were lovers. There's evidence in the scriptures. She was a harlot and we have modeled ourselves on her. She gave up that life and became a harlot for Jesus."

"Hate to break it to you, sister," Calhoun said, "but that do-gooder Jesus is as dead as a post ..." "Thanks for the news," the nun said. "But we don't f_ck him in person. We f_ck him in spirit. We let the spirit enter into men so they may take us in the fashion Jesus took Mary." "No sh_t?"

"No sh_t."

"... why don't you shuck them drawers, honey, throw back in that seat there and let ole Calhoun give you a big load of Jesus ... I can get religion at a moment's notice. I dearly love to f_ck. I've f_cked everything I could get my hands on but a parakeet, and I'd have f_cked that little b_tch if I could have found the hole."

Believe it or not, the more offensive portions of the above conversation have been omitted!

This book included several other stories about priests and ministers gathering up zombies solely for the purpose of abusing and exploiting them. This book was available on any supermarket bookshelf. It is not at all atypical of the type of Christophobic attitude prevalent among American novelists.

The Cardinal's Breeding Program.

The only thing more offensive (and more effective propaganda) than outright slander is a set of lies designed to prop up an otherwise untenable 'pseudo-scientific' viewpoint.

The following paragraph is typical of the material written by Elmer Pendell in his trashy Population on the Loose. Did the literary critics object? Of course not! With a collective yawn, they turned to more important matters.

The Catholics are promulgating a breeding program to gain political control in the United States. In the poorer countries, they favor war as a method of keeping population and resources in balance. In these poor countries, the denser population is denser because the dumber Catholics and dumber others are having so many dumb children so the major influence of the Catholic's campaign against birth control is that they trade away their smart Catholics and get dumb ones.

Imagine the incredible uproar that would ensue if this paragraph substituted the word "Jew" or the word "Black" for the word "Catholic." Every literary group in the country would have a collective violent seizure of self-righteousness. They would clamor that the author be ostracized permanently from their organizations and from society, and the book would be permanently banned.

For more examples of such anti-natalist, anti-Catholic bigotry, see Chapter 131, "Overpopulation."

Satanic Silliness.

In late 1988, British author Salman Rushdie, a 'fallen-away' Moslem, published a book entitled The Satanic Verses, which degraded and defamed the chief tenets of Islam, the world's largest religion. The Ayatollah Khomeini declared this a grave insult, and ordered the death penalty for Rushdie. In the United States, writer's groups and free speech advocates condemned the Ayatollah and made the comical and obligatory 'solidarity' statement, "we are all Salman Rushdie."

These writer's groups also condemned as "cowardly" those bookstores that received bomb threats and subsequently pulled copies of The Satanic Verses from their shelves. These intellectual giants, oddly enough, didn't think that it was "cowardly" for Rushdie to gibber about free speech rights and disappear into hiding, but they expected minimum-wage book clerks to risk their lives to insure that Rushdie made his millions.

Singer Cat Stevens, who professes Islam, publicly supported the death penalty for Rushdie. Several radio stations, conveniently forgetting about Stevens' free speech rights, immediately announced that they would no longer play his songs.

Left-Wing Book Burning.

Neoliberal hypocrites love to snivel piteously about "conservative book-burning fanatics." However, when it comes to left-wing book-burning fanatics, they seem to be suddenly struck with blindness.

Conservatives are intimately familiar with the Neoliberal caricature of the book-burning Baptist censor. This image is bandied about constantly by groups like People for the 'American' Way and many others who themselves commit censorship on a vast scale.

But who really burns the books in this country?

The National Endowment for the "Arts" (NEA) recently allocated $20,000 to the group Artpark, which in turn bestowed a subgrant to Survival Research Laboratories (SRL) for the purpose of conducting a Lewiston, New York show entitled the "Bible Burn."

SRL posters distributed to art galleries all over the country read;

SRL will create large, sexually explicit props covered with a generous layer of requisitioned [stolen] Bibles. After employing these props in a wide variety of unholy rituals, SRL machines will proceed to burn them to ashes. Bibles can always be obtained for free [stolen] from hotels, churches, and your parents' house. Be advised that in certain circumstances, theft is a moral obligation.[3]

Strangely, there were no complaints from the People for the American Way about censorship or book-burning when they were informed about this event!

Why not?

Because, of course, the Bible is not "Politically Correct."

It would be interesting to ask SRL planners what they would think about conservatives looting libraries of left-wing books they did not like and then burning them in the streets.

After this hypocrisy had been pointed out by local activists, Lewiston Arts Festival official David Midland told reporters that the SRL show had been canceled because "We do not condone the burning of the Bible or, in fact, any book."

Anti-Christian Bias of the Motion Picture Industry.

I've always known that Catholicism is a completely sexist, repressed, sin- and punishment-based religion.

                                                                                       Trash queen Madonna.[4]

Bing, Where Are You?

It is difficult to believe that the same Hollywood that brought us Bing Crosby and "The Bells of St. Mary" has executed such a complete turnaround in its attitude. Hollywood, which one time treated Christians with the same respect it did other people, has now become virulently anti-Christian, with a particular focus on attacking the Catholic Church.

There can be only one reason for this: Hollywood is now helping to destroy the Church by persuading the masses of moviegoers that Christianity really is a dinosaur, fit only for ridicule.

Some examples of Hollywood's hate of Christianity are described in the following paragraphs.

Autobiographical Idiocy.

Martin Scorcese's ballyhooed film failure "The Last Temptation of Christ" portrayed Jesus as a weak, waffling sinner who leans on Judas for strength.

Jesus is portrayed as a sado-masochist, a collaborator/quisling, a voyeur, a bigamist, and an indecisive wimp. One of his conversations with Judas (significantly the hero of the film) goes as follows;

Judas: "Where's your pride?"
Jesus: "I don't have any pride. I disobey the Commandments."
Judas: "And who will pay for your sins?"
Jesus: "With my life. I don't have anything else. I don't know. I'm struggling."

After he retreats into the desert, "Jesus" says: "I'm a liar, a hypocrite, I'm afraid of everything. I don't ever tell the truth; I don't have the courage. I don't steal and kill, not because I don't want to, but because I'm afraid. My god is fear, look inside me and that's all you'll find. Lucifer is inside me."

It is fascinating indeed that Nikos Kanzantzakis is an excommunicated Greek Orthodox; scriptwriter Paul Schrader is an ex-Calvinist, and Martin Scorcese is a failed seminarian and ex-Catholic. Apostasy is what binds them together.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that Judas not Jesus is the hero of the film, and the only other reasonable person in the film is Pilate, played convincingly by David Bowie. This film is therefore obviously an autobiography, not a biography. It is one of the best examples of transference (the attribution of one's own undesirable characteristics to someone else) that Hollywood has ever produced.

By the way, MCA, the film company which produced and distributed this film, distributes a matchbook-sized package to guests that includes a condom and states in bold letters on the cover, "MCA JAZZ: the best f_cking jazz there is!"[5]

Other Examples.

Hollywood's Unholy Duty.

Some elements of Hollywood are perfectly willing to sacrifice millions of dollars to get their anti-Christian propaganda distributed. To them, it's not the loss of money that counts; they are simply doing what they believe is their anti-theistic duty.

"King David" was one of the most spectacular flops of all time: it cost $28 million and grossed only $3 million. "The Last Temptation of Christ" lost more than $10 million. The propaganda screed "The Handmaid's Tale" recouped only half of its $13 million cost.[6]

It's not as if Hollywood doesn't know what will happen when they ridicule religion. The record has shown that anti-religious films consistently lose tens of millions of dollars, while those motion pictures that treat God and those who believe in Him in a respectful manner will make millions. Examples are "Chariots of Fire," "Tender Mercies," "The Trip to Bountiful," "Witness," and "A Cry in the Dark," which between them made their producers more than $50 million in profits.

But the Hollywood film-makers see these lost millions as an investment, and a very good investment indeed from their strange point of view. Each anti-religious film that they crank out not only causes thousands of marginal Christians to leave the Church, but causes the few remaining true Christians terrible heartache.

Maybe Hollywood is taking vengeance ahead of time for the eternal fate that its leaders will inevitably suffer.

The Anti-Theistic Films.

Each anti-theistic film issued from the Hollywood sewer employs images for maximum propagandistic effect. Each film is unique in some of the aspects of its approach, as demonstrated below;[6]

• "Poltergeist II" (1987) features a hymn-singing preacher, Henry Kane, who leads a psychotic band of demonic Bible-beaters who are trying to drag a nice, progressive suburban family down to Hell. The only person who can possibly save them from these awful "Christians" is a heroic Native American medicine man who uses his pagan religion to defeat and humiliate Kane and his "Christians."

• "Monsignor" (1982) stars Christopher Reeve as a priest who aggressively seduces idealistic young nuns and deals underhandedly with both the Mafia and the CIA.

• "Agnes of God" (1986) is a young nun who fornicates, gets pregnant, and then, after the baby's birth, kills it and attempts to flush it down a toilet.

• "Light of Day" (1987) stars a pompous, Scripture-spouting hypocrite of a preacher who gets the hero's teenaged sister pregnant and then dumps her.

• Hollywood went for a "two-fer" with their 1988 release "The Handmaid's Tale," as they simultaneously ridiculed religion and promoted abortion. This propaganda film stars Robert Duvall, and describes the horrors of a totalitarian Fundamentalist regime called Gilead, where fertile women are forced into "mandatory motherhood" for the good of the State. Pro-abortionists were absolutely delighted with this film and used it as a fundraiser. Senator Alan Cranston and Congresscreature Patricia Schroeder (D-olt), two of Congress' most fanatical pro-aborts, used it as a fundraiser. So did Planned Parenthood. Predictably, pornographers, including editors from Playboy Magazine, gave it rave reviews.

• "King David" starring Richard Gere, has the Jewish king abandoning his religion and rejecting God at the end of his life.

• A 1984 film by Pedro Almodovar entitled "Dark Habits" tells the story of "The Humble Redeemers," whose members support themselves by writing sleazy romance novels. The nuns include Sister Manure, Sister Snake, and Sister Alley Rat.

Watch Out! Dangerous Stuff Here ...

Dr. Billy Graham's 1984 film entitled "The Prodigal" was rated PG by the Motion Picture Association of America solely because of its references to Christianity. In fact, the MPA noted at the bottom of its review that "Pre-teenage children should not be exposed to Christianity without their parent's consent."[7]

This statement brought tears of laughter to the eyes of many Christian activists due to its limitless hypocrisy: The motion picture industry exposes our children to sodomy, infidelity, obscenity, Communism, atheism, and every other imaginable perversion and evil without a second thought, but Christianity is considered dangerous enough to merit a special review classification!

Anti-Christian Bias of the Arts.

Art is the signature of man.

                                                                                                     G.K. Chesterton.


Real artists have always been with us, and always will be with us. For the most part, they labor anonymously in efforts to improve their craft and create objects of beauty which seem to originate far beyond the capabilities of the human heart and hand.

And then there are the no-talent sham artists. These 'quacks' have no talent, and they know it. They also know that the only possible way anyone will ever notice them is if they make something that will anger and insult people. These people are a disgrace to the profession, and real artists despise them for it.

There is a simple way to discern the difference between an artist of true talent and a hacker with no talent at all. An average person could never duplicate the magnificent work of the true artist. However, anyone off the street could easily duplicate the 'works' of the hacks.

Following are a few examples of "art" (to stretch the term to its limit) that have made the rounds recently. Their only claim to fame is their offensiveness.

Sorrano and His 'Piss Christ.'

Andres Sorrano, a little-known "artist," simply filled a vat with his own urine and submerged a photograph of a Crucifix in it. He imaginatively entitled this masterpiece "Piss Christ." For this magnificent effort, he received a $15,000 award from the National Endowment of the Arts.

Urine tax dollars at work.

His "work" was selected for the Awards in the Visual Arts program of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art of Winston-Salem, North Carolina for display and tour.[8] This program, perhaps not coincidentally, is funded by The Rockefeller Foundation, which also heavily funds worldwide population control. This is an excellent example of how the population control cartel undermines the authority of those organizations (in this case, the Christian Church) who oppose their worldwide program of genocide.

Outside of Satanism, no more direct attack on the Person of God has ever been launched, and yet 'Good Christians' squabbled over Sorrano's "rights of expression." Even Jesus physically attacked the moneychangers who desecrated only His Father's house not his Person.

Sorrano's "art" was displayed at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Carnegie-Mellon University Art Gallery in Pittsburgh, the Virginia Museum of Fine Art in Richmond, and the Stux Gallery in New York.

Sorrano's other works include "Piss God" and "Piss Pope." When asked what he would "work" with next, Sorrano replied "semen."

He was as good as his word. The following year, he displayed a series of photographs entitled "Ejaculate Trajectory." These consisted of photos of his own semen jetting across a black background in abstract patterns.

The National Endowment for the Arts had previously awarded Sorrano another $15,000 of tax money in 1985 for "creating artworks composed from human body parts and decapitated heads of animals exhibited in glass vats."[9]

It would be interesting to find out if Sorrano had the courage to 'create' a "Piss Martin Luther King," a "Piss Bella Abzug," or (we can hope, can't we?) a "Piss Jill Ireland." It would also be fascinating to see how far the artistic 'community' would go to defend Sorrano's freedom of expression then.

Mapplethorpe's Images.

Accompanying Sorrano's "work" on tour was Robert Mapplethorpe's exhibit of explicit homosexual perversions. One of his photographs depicted two naked men urinating into each other's mouths. His photographic self-portrait depicted a bullwhip protruding from his own anus. Mapplethorpe achieved "gay martyrdom" by dying of AIDS in early 1989.[10]

The public complained bitterly that their hard-earned tax dollars were being wasted on this stupidity, and spurred 143 United States senators and congressmen to demand an end to public sponsorship of such "morally reprehensible trash."

Predictably, defenders of this garbage-as-art used the tried and true First Amendment defense: "I think it's unfortunate and dismaying that some elements in American society have prevailed upon Congress to consider interfering with artistic expression," whined Howard Fox, curator of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, which hosted the exhibition(ism).[11]

The Future of Art In This Society.

Frederick Hart, in the Fall 1989 issue of Arts Quarterly, stated prophetically that

The public has been so bullied intellectually by the proponents of contemporary art that it has wearily resigned itself to just about any idiocy that is placed before it ... But the common man has his limits, and they are reached when some of these things emerge from the sanctuary of the padded cells of galleries and museums and are put in public places, where the public is forced to live with them and pay for them ... The current philosophy and practice of art thrives on a belief system of deliberate contempt for the public ... They are after more than our money ... they are ridiculing traditional values, and trying to destroy them, and casting themselves in the role of victims once again when we object.

In his monumental work The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon listed five unmistakable marks of Rome just before its destruction. These marks are unchanging and eternal danger signals to the population of any civilization in its final years, analogous to the eight cancer danger signs. One of Gibbon's definitive danger signs is "...freakishness in the arts, masquerading as originality, and enthusiasms pretending to be creativity."


Is it any wonder that pro-aborts and their soulmates, the sodomites, can so easily and contemptuously dismiss all Christians as "hypocrites?" The anti-life people, after all, are merely trying to justify a lifestyle that they instinctively know is sinful and wrong. The easiest way to do this is to insist that everyone enjoys wallowing in sin and crime just like them.

Nobody has ever faulted the anti-lifers for being too intelligent. They subscribe to the quick and easy way out of everything, and live for the here and now. They are good examples of the "bumpersticker mentality," and might be called a "herd of independent thinkers."

As mindless media slaves, they enjoy a constant visual diet of murdering, hypocritical, womanizing sleazebag "Christians" on television, in the movies, and on radio and, since we know that pro-aborts in particular have a difficult time separating fact from fantasy, and look for any means to support their views, it is natural that they should subscribe to the Hollywood view while ignoring the reality.

References: Media Anti-Christian Bias.

[1] Don Feder, quoted in "Columnist Notes Hollywood's Anti-Christian Bias." American Family Association Journal, January 1989, page 18.

[2] L.A. Law star Corbin Bernsen and rock musician Frank Zappa, at a pro-abortion rally in Los Angeles in April of 1990. Quoted in Joseph Farah. "Hollywood's New Blacklist: An Inside View of the Intolerance, Censorship, and Bigotry in Today's Entertainment Industry." New Dimensions Magazine, September 1990, pages 12 to 25.

[3] "So That's Where Our Tax Money Goes!" The Phyllis Schlafly Report, January 1991. Also described in "S.F. Artists: 'Steal Bibles and Burn 'Em.'" Focus on the Family Citizen, November 19, 1990, page 8. Also see "Arts Festival Cancels Bible-Burning Show." National Catholic Register, October 28, 1990, page 3.

[4] Trash queen Madonna, quoted in US Magazine, June 13, 1991, and in "Madonna Blasts Catholics." American Family Association Journal, September 1991, page 3.

[5] "MCA 'Matchbook' Condom Shows Company's 'Morality.'" American Family Association Journal, January 1989, page 11.

[6] Michael Medved. "Does Hollywood Hate Religion?" Focus on the Family Citizen, April 1990, pages 12 to 14.

[7] "Moviemakers Think Christianity a Danger to Pre-Teens." National Federation for Decency Journal, May 1984, page 3.

[8] USA Today, April 26, 1989, page D1.

[9] Patrick J. Buchanan. "The Lost War for America's Culture?" The Wanderer, June 1, 1989, page 8.

[10] The Oregonian, July 28, 1989, page D1. Also see Joseph Sobran. "O Ye of Little Faith." The Wanderer, July 6, 1989, page 5.

[11] National Catholic Register, July 9, 1989, page 1.

Further Reading: Media Anti-Christian Bias.

American Family Association. "Anti-Christian Bias in America." 
Excerpts from the proceedings of the American Family Association's March 1990 Conference on Anti-Christian Bias in America. Printed in the May 1990 issue of the Journal and available as a 24-page reprint from the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. Papers include Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, "Christianity Under Attack By 'New Bigotry';" Larry L. Crain of the Rutherford Institute, "Anti-Christian Bias in the Law;" Columnist Cal Thomas, "News Media Biased Against Christians;" Editor Joseph Farah, "Anti-Christian Bigotry in Hollywood;" Paul C. Vitz, "Religion and Traditional Values in Public School Textbooks;" and H. Wayne House, Th.D, J.D., "Anti-Christian Bias in Higher Education: Problems and Solutions."

American Family Association. Talk Back
Softcover. Order from the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. This book shows how to get your opinion across to television advertisers and producers who seem to be totally indifferent to the Christian point of view. A strategy for fighting pornography and violence on television for both individuals and organizations, written by the AFA, which has many years of experience in this field.

Steve Hallman. "Christianity and Humanism: A Study in Contrasts." 
A special 24-page insert in the March 1991 issue of the American Family Association Journal. Topics include the background and growth of Humanism, ethics, doctrine of man, human sexuality, law and government, and the Christian response. Journal of the American Family Association. Formerly the Journal of the National Federation for Decency, this excellent monthly primarily addresses pornography in the media and the arts and the many instances of media pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, and anti-Christian bias. To subscribe, write to the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. Telephone: (601) 844-5036.

Ratibor-Ray M. Jurjevich, Ph.D. War on Christ in America
493 pages. Order from Our Lady's Book Service, Nazareth Homestead, R.D. 1, Box 258, Constable, New York 12926, telephone: 1-800-263-8160. This book examines the primary threats to all conservative, Bible-believing churches posed by Communism, the secular media, the United States courts, and the government itself, which has been infiltrated and controlled by Christophobic persons who would like to utterly destroy the church.

Kevin C. Long. Anti-Catholicism in the 1980s
Milwaukee: Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 1990.

Michael Medved. Hollywood vs. America: Popular Culture and the War on Traditional Values
HarperCollins/ Zondervan press, 1992, 386 pages. Reviewed by Lorretta G. Seyer on page 12 of the November 8, 1992 issue of Catholic Twin Circle. The co-host of PBS' "Sneak Previews" shows us one reason why weekly movie attendance has plunged from 44 million in 1965 to 18.9 million currently. If Hollywood is motivated by greed, why don't they care that their profits are going out the window especially when they know that people prefer tamer movies? Medved shows us that there are two reasons: A desire to shock the "middle class," and a desire to look like "trendy, angst-ridden artists" to their fellow elite. The author, who is a motion picture critic, paints a very grim picture of the situation in Hollywood: Its Neoliberal agenda, examples of the horrors it dishes out with full approval of most critics, and how Hollywood has actually come close to winning the 'culture war' while reducing conservatives to guerrilla warfare. The book pulls no punches, and gives many graphic examples of exactly what the author is talking about.

Marvin Olasky. Prodigal Press: The Anti-Christian Bias of the American News Media
Crossway Books, Good News Publishers, Westchester, Illinois, 60153. 1990, 242 pages. This book covers the change in American journalism from a solid Christian viewpoint at the turn of the century to its current utilitarian, anti-life position. The book focuses on the impacts that situational ethics and Humanism have had on the various branches of the American media.

TV, Etc. 
This monthly newsletter investigates the Neoliberal agenda that saturates the secular media, including the political activities of the radical Hollywood Left. Subscribe by writing to Media Research Center, Publications Department, 113 South West Street, 2nd Floor, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Telephone: (703) 683-9733.

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This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia published by American Life League.