1. Teaches that there are many gods, and that humans can become gods and goddesses in the Heavenly kingdom: "History of the Church" 6 p. 306; "Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball," pp. 28, 51-53.
2. Teaches that God the Father was a man like us who progressed to become a God and presently has a body of flesh and bone. "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!"—"Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith," compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, pp. 345-47.
3. Teaches that Jesus is our elder brother who progressed to godhood, after being procreated in spirit by the Father and a heavenly mother, and conceived physically by the Father and an earthly mother. "The Restoration of Major Doctrines Through Joseph Smith." in, "The Ensign," Jan 1989, pp. 28-29. They hold that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers—"Mormon Doctrine," pp. 192, 546-47, 589-90.
4. The Holy Spirit is a spirit in the form of a man and only his influence is present everywhere.—"Doctrines of Salvation" I. pp. 38, 49-50 by Joseph Fielding Smith.
5. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three separate Gods—"Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith," p. 370.
6. The Bible is corrupt, missing many "plain and precious parts" and does not contain the fullness of the Gospel—"Doctrines of Salvation" III. pp. 190, 191.
7. Information from the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. "The American Indians are physically Mongoloids and thus must have originated in eastern Asia."—Cf. J. B. Billard, editor, "The World of the American Indian," Washington, DC, National Geographic Society, 1974, 1979. See esp. the chapter "Across an Arctic Bridge" by J. D. Jennings.