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See of Peter
Daily Readings
Seasons and Feast Days
Prayer Requests
Eucharistic Revival
The Holy Eucharist in the Later Fathers
The Holy Eucharist in the Early Fathers
Homily on the Paralytic Let Down through the Roof
Homily against Marcionites and Manichaeans
Three Homilies on the Devil Homiliae tres de diabolo
Instructions to Catechumens Baptismal Catecheses. Catecheses ad illuminandos
Homily on 'Lowliness of Mind'
Homilies on St. Ignatius and St. Babylas
To a Young Widow Ad viduam iuniorem
Letters to the fallen Theodore Paraeneses ad Theodorum lapsum
Homilies on the Statues, 15-21
Homilies on the Statues, 6-14
Homilies on the Statues, 1-5
Correspondence with Pope Innocent I
Letters to Olympias
Treatise that no one injured except by himself Quod nemo laeditur nisi a se ipso
Two Homilies on Eutropius
Homily against publishing the errors of the brethren
Homily to those who had not attended the assembly
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 95-106
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 86-94
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 76-85
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 69-75
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 60-68
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 51-59
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 42-50
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 31-41
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 140-150
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 125-139
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 119-124
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 107-118
Expositions on the Book of Psalms, 1-30
Homilies on the Epistle of St. John to the Parthians
Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel according to St. John, 99-124
Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel according to St. John, 61-98
Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel according to St. John, 45-60
Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel according to St. John, 31-44
Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel according to St. John, 21-30
Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel according to St. John, 11-20
Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel according to St. John, 1-10
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 41-50
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 31-40
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 21-30
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 11-20
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 1-10
The Harmony of the Gospels, Book III-IV
The Harmony of the Gospels, Book II
The Harmony of the Gospels, Book I
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 91-97
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 81-90
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 71-80
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 61-70
Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament 51-60
Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount
Against Two Letters of the Pelagians
On the Soul and its Origin
On Marriage and Concupiscence
Concerning the Nature of Good, against the Manichaeans
Reply to Faustus the Manichaean, Books 23-33
Reply to Faustus the Manichaean, Book 22
Reply to Faustus the Manichaean, Books 16-21
Reply to Faustus the Manichaean, Books 1-15
Against the Epistle of Manichaeus called Fundamental
Acts against Fortunatus the Manichaean
On Two Souls, against the Manichaeans
The Correction of the Donatists
Answer to Letters of Petilian, Bishop of Cirta, Book III
Answer to Letters of Petilian, Bishop of Cirta, Books I-II
On Baptism, against the Donatists, Books V-VII
On Baptism, against the Donatists, Books I-IV
On the Morals of the Catholic Church and on the Morals of the Manichaeans
On the Profit of Believing
Concerning Faith of Things not Seen
On Faith and the Creed
On Catechising the Uninstructed
On Care To Be Had for the Dead
On Patience
Of the Work of Monks
To Consentius: Against Lying
On Lying
On the Good of Widowhood
On continence
On the Creed: a Sermon to Catechumens
City of God, XVIII-XIX
City of God, XVI-XVII
City of God, XIV-XV
City of God, XI-XIII
City of God, IX-X
City of God, VII-VIII
City of God, V-VI
City of God, III-IV
City of God, XXII
City of God, XX-XXI
City of God, I-II
Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews, 24-34
Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews, 11-23
Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews, 1-10
Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, 77-88
Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, 62-76
Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, 49-61
Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, 33-48
Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, 17-32
Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, 1-16
Homilies on First Timothy
Homilies on Second Thessalonians
Homilies on First Thessalonians
Homilies on Colossians
Homilies on Philippians, 8-15
Homilies on Philippians, 1-7
Homilies on Ephesians, 12-24
Homilies on Ephesians, 1-11
Homilies on Philemon
Homilies on Titus
Homilies on Second Timothy
Commentary on Galatians
Homilies on 2nd Corinthians, 20-30
Homilies on 2nd Corinthians, 9-19
Homilies on 2nd Corinthians, 1-8
Homilies on 1st Corinthians, 36-44
Homilies on 1st Corinthians, 28-35
Homilies on 1st Corinthians, 20-27
Homilies on 1st Corinthians, 11-19
Homilies on 1st Corinthians, 1-10
Homilies on Romans, 22-32
Homilies on Romans, 15-21
Homilies on Romans, 9-14
Homilies on Romans, 1-8
Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles, 43-55
Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles, 31-42
Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles, 21-30
Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles, 11-20
Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles, 1-10
Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 79-90
Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 68-78
Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 58-67
Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 49-57
Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 37-48
Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 27-36
Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 18-26
Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 10-17
Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew, 1-9
Letters 124-145
Letters 99-123
Letters 87-97
Letters 58-86
Letters 31-57
Letters 1-30
Letters 173-269
Letters 146-172
Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Books III-IV
Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, Books I-II
Homilies on the Psalms
On the Trinity, Books XI-XII
On the Trinity, Books IX-X
On the Trinity, Books VI-VIII
On the Trinity, Books I-V
On the Councils
Letters 292-366
Letters 237-291
Letters 197-236
Letters 123-196
Letters 47-122
Letters 1-46
On the Hexaemeron
On the Holy Spirit
Select Letters
Select Orations: 42-3, 45.
Select Orations: 33-4, 37-41
The Five Theological Orations
Select Orations: 1-3, 7-8, 12, 16, 18, 21
Life of Malchus, the Captive Monk
Life of S. Hilarion
Life of Paulus the First Hermit
Letters 125-150
Letters 108-124
Letters 73-107
Letters 54-72
Letters 39-53
Dialogue Against the Pelagians
To Pammachius against John of Jerusalem
Against Vigilantius
Against Jovinianus, Book II
Against Jovinianus, Book I
The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary, Against Helvidius
Dialogue Against the Luciferians
Letters 1-38
On the Faith, to Simplicius
On Not Three Gods, to Ablabius
On the Holy Trinity, and of the Godhead of the Holy Spirit, against Eustathius
On the Holy Spirit against the Followers of Macedonius
Answer to the Second Book of Eunomius
Against Eunomius, Book VIII-XII
Against Eunomius, Book III-VII
Against Eunomius, Book II
On the Baptism of Christ
Funeral Oration on Meletius
The Great Catechism
On the Soul and the Resurrection
On the Making of Man
On Pilgrimages
On Infants' Early Deaths
On Virginity
Against Eunomius, Book I
On the Opinion of Dionysius
Defence of the Nicene Definition
Apology against the Arians
Epistula ad episcopos encyclica
In illud 'omnia,' etc.
Statement of Faith Exposition Fidei (Ecthesis)
Letter to his people at Caesarea
Personal Letters
Festal Letters, etc.
Letter to the African Bishops
Tome to the People of Antioch
The Deposition of Arius
Epistula de synodis Arimini in Italia et Seleuciae in Isauria celebratis
Discourses against the Arians, IV
Discourses against the Arians, III
Discourses against the Arians, II
Discourses against the Arians, I
History of the Arians
Apology for his Flight
Apology to the Emperor Constantius
Encyclical to the Bishops of Egypt
Life of St. Antony
Adversum Gentes Libri Duo
Lives of Illustrious Men
Lives of Illustrious Men
Letters 124-181
Letters 1-123
Demonstrations by Syllogisms
Eranistes, or Polymoruphus, Books III
Eranistes, or Polymoruphus, Books I-II
Ecclesiastical History, Books III-V
More Prefaces
Commentary on the Apostles' Creed
Apology against the Books of Rufinus
Apology against Jerome
Ecclesiastical History, Books I-II
Ecclesiastical History VII-IX
Ecclesiastical History V-VI
Ecclesiastical History III-IV
Ecclesiastical History I-II
Ecclesiastical History VI-VII
Ecclesiastical History III-V
Ecclesiastical History I-II
Canons of Local Councils
The Canons of the Council in Trullo
The Third Council of Constantinople
The Second Council of Constantinople
The Council of Chalcedon
The Council of Ephesus
The First Council of Constantinople
Ancient Canons
Non-conciliar canons
The Second Council of Nicaea (Nicea)
The First Council of Nicaea (Nicea)
Select Demonstrations
Three Homilies
The Pearl: Seven Hymns on the Faith
Hymns for the Epiphany
Hymns on the Nativity of Christ in the Flesh
Nisibene Hymns
Letters, Books XI-XIV
Letters, Books IX-X
Letters, Books VI-VIII
Letters, Books III-V
Letters, Books I-II
Book of Pastoral Rule
Letters 60-173
Letters 1-59
Conferences 6-10
Conferences 1-5
On the Institutes of the Coenobia
The Sacred History
Apocryphal Letters
The Dialogues
Authentic Letters
Seven Books on the Incarnation of the Lord, against Nestorius
Conferences 21-24
Conferences 18-20
Conferences 11-17
Life of St. Martin (of Tours)
Concerning Virgins
On the Mysteries
Exposition of the Christian Faith, Books IV-V
Exposition of the Christian Faith, Books I-III
On the Holy Spirit
Concerning Widows
Praise of Constantine
To the Assembly of the Saints
Life of Constantine
Church History, Books VII-X
Church History, Books IV-VI
Church History, Books I-III
Ignatius of Antioch
Letter to Gregory Thaumaturgos
The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs
Homily known as the Second Epistle of Clement
More Apocrypha
Apocryphal Apocalypses or Revelations (2 of 2)
Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, Books XIII-XIV
Commentary on the Gospel of John, Books VI, X
Commentary on the Gospel of John, Books VI, X
Commentary on the Gospel of John, Books I-II, parts of IV-V
The Gospel According to Peter
Pseudo Clementina: Clementine Homilies, XIII-XX
Pseudo Clementina: Clementine Homilies, VI-XII
Pseudo Clementina: Clementine Homilies, I-V
Pseudo Clementina: Books VIII-X
Pseudo Clementina: Recognitions of Clement, Books III-VII
Pseudo Clementina: Recognitions of Clement, Preface and Books I-II
Two Epistles Concerning Virginity
Excerpts of Theodotus
Remains of the Second and Third Centuries
Ancient Syriac Documents (3 of 3)
Ancient Syriac Documents (2 of 3)
Ancient Syriac Documents (1 of 3)
False Decretals
Apocryphal Apocalypses or Revelations (1 of 2)
Apocryphal Acts of Apostles (2 of 2)
Apocryphal Acts of Apostles (1 of 2)
Apocryphal Gospels
The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
On the Manner in which the Persecutors Died The Death of the Persecutors. De mortibus persecutorum
On the Workmanship of God or the Formation of Man De opificio dei
A Treatise on the Anger of God De ira dei
The Epitome of the Divine Institutes Divinae institutiones
The Divine Institutes, Books VII Divinae institutiones
The Divine Institutes, Books V-VI Divinae institutiones
The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles
Divine Liturgy of St. Mark
Divine Liturgy of St. James
Homily known the second epistle of Clement
The Divine Institutes, Books III-IV Divinae institutiones
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles (Apostolic Constitutions), Books VI-VIII, Canons.
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles (Apostolic Constitutions), Books I-V.
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didache)
Against the Sabellians
Commentary on the Apocalypse of the Blessed John De fabrica mundi
On the Creation of the World De fabrica mundi
Poem on Easter, or De Resurrectione
A Poem on the Passion of the Lord
The Phoenix De ave Phoenice
The Divine Institutes, Books I-II Divinae institutiones
Four Homilies
On the Subject of the Soul
Twelve Topics on the Faith
On the Trinity
A Sectional Confession of Faith
The Oration and Panegyric Addressed to Origen Panegyric to Origen
Canonical Epistle
Against the Heathen, Books I-III Adversus nationes
Against the Heathen, Books I-III Adversus nationes
Oration on the Psalms
Oration concerning Simeon and Anna on the day that they met in the temple
From the Discourse on the Resurrection
Concerning Free-Will
The Banquet of the Ten Virgins; or, Concerning Chastity The Banquet or On Virginity
A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes The Metaphrase of Ecclesiastes
Extant Works
The Genuine Acts of Peter; Canonical Epistle; Fragments
Of the Manichaeans
The Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes Acta Archelai.
The Paschal Canon; fragments
Extant Writings
On the Gospel according to Matthew
On All the Saints
A Declaration of Faith The Creed or Exposition of Faith
On the Unity of the Catholic Church De ecclesiae catholicae unitate
Epistles LV-LXXXII
Epistles I-LIV
The Life and Passion of Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr
Appendix: Dubious and Spurious Pieces
The Extant Works and Fragments, Part II: Dogmatical and Historical
A Treatise on Re-Baptism De rebaptismate
The Extant Works and Fragments, Part I: Exegetical
A Treatise Against Novatian by an Anonymous Bishop Ad Novatianum
On the Jewish Meats On Jewish Foods. De cibis Judaicis
Treatise Concerning the Trinity De trinitate
Exhortation to Repentance Exhortatio de paenitentia
On the Discipline and Advantage of Chastity On the Advantage of Modesty. De bono pudicitiae
On the Glory of Martyrdom De laude martyrii
On the Public Shows On Shows. De spectaculis
The Seventh Council of Carthage under Cyprian
Three Books of Testimonies Addressed to the Jews Ad Quirinum (Testimonium libri III).
The Refutation of All Heresies, Books VI-X Philosophumena
Exhortation to Martyrdom, Addressed to Fortunatus Ad Fortunatum de exhortatione martyrii
On Jealousy and Envy De zelo et livore
On the Advantage of Patience De bono patientiae
On Works and Alms Concerning Works and Almsgiving. De opere et eleemosynis
On the Mortality (or Plague) De mortalitate
On the Vanity of Idols That the Idols are not Gods. Quod idola dii non sint
An Address to Demtrianus Ad Demetrianum
On the Lord's Prayer De dominica oratione
On the Lapsed De lapsis
On the Dress of Virgins De habitu virginum
The Refutation of All Heresies, Books I-V Philosophumena
De Fuga in Persecutione On Flight in Persecution
On Fasting De ieiunio adversus psychicos
On Modesty De pudicitia
On Monogamy De monogamia
On Exhortation to Chastity De exhortatione castitatis
To His Wife Ad uxorem
On the Veiling of Virgins De virginibus velandis
On the Apparel of Women On the Dress of Women. De cultu feminarum
Against Celsus, Books VI-VIII Contra Celsum. Kata Kelsou
Against Celsus, Books IV-V Contra Celsum. Kata Kelsou
Against Celsus, Books I-III Contra Celsum. Kata Kelsou
Letter to Gregory Thaumaturgos
Letter of Africanus to Origen about the History of Susanna; Origen's reply
De Principiis, Books III-IV On First Principles. Peri archon
De Principiis, Books I-II On First Principles. Peri archon.
Instructions in Favour of Christian Discipline, against the Gods of the Heathens
The Octavius
On the Pallium De pallio
A Treatise on the Soul De anima
The Soul's Testimony The Testimony of the Soul (De testimonio animae)
An Answer to the Jews Against the Jews (Adversus Judaeos)
Ad nationes; Appendix: spur. fragment
To Scapula Ad Scapulam
The Chaplet, or De Corona
The Shows, or De Spectaculis
Of Patience De patientia
Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity
Ad martyras To the Martyrs
On Prayer De oratione
On Baptism De baptismo
On Repentance De paenitentia
On Idolatry De Idolatria
Against All Heresies
Scorpiace: Antidote for the Scorpion's Sting
Against Praxeas Adversus Praxean
On the Resurrection of the Flesh De resurrectione carnis
On the Flesh of Christ De carne Christi
Against the Valentinians Adversus Valentianos
Against Hermogenes Adversus Hermogenem
Five Books against Marcion, Books IV-V Adversus Marcionem
Five Books against Marcion, Books I-III Adversus Marcionem
The Prescription against Heretics De praescription haereticorum
Apology Apologeticum
The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Books III-V
The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Books I-II
The Instructor The Tutor. Paidagogos
Exhortation to the Heathen Exhortation to the Greeks
On the Resurrection of the Dead
A Plea for the Christians
To Autolycus Ad Autolycum
Address to the Greeks; fragments The Discourse to the Greeks
Who is the Rich Man that Shall be Saved? Quis dives salvetur?
The Stromata, or Miscellanies, Books VI-VIII
The Pastor of Hermas The Shepherd of Hermas.
Epistle of Barnabas
Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch
Spurious epistles attributed to Ignatius of Antioch
Epistles: Syriac version
Encyclical Epistle on the Martyrdom of Polycarp
Fragments from lost writings
Against Heresies, Book V Adversus Haereses
Against Heresies, Book IV Adversus Haereses
Against Heresies, Book III Adversus Haereses
Against Heresies, Book II Adversus Haereses
Epistle to Diognetus
Against Heresies, Book I Adversus Haereses
Martyrdom of Justin Martyr
Fragments of the lost work On the Resurrection; other fragments
On the Sole Government of God
Hortatory Address to the Greeks
Discourse to the Greeks Oratio ad Graecos
Dialogue with Trypho the Jew
Second Apology
Epistle to the Phillipians
Treatise on the Priesthood
On the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin
On the Proceedings of Pelagius
On Man's Perfection in Righteousness
On Nature and Grace, Against Pelagius
On the Spirit and the Letter
On the Predestination of the Saints and On the Gift of Perseverance
On Rebuke and Grace
On Grace and Free Will
On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants
The Enchiridion
On the Trinity, XV
On the Trinity, IX-XIV
On the Trinity, V-VIII
Of Holy Virginity
Of the Good of Marriage
On the Trinity, I-IV
On Christian Doctrine, Books III-IV
On Christian Doctrine, Books I-II
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Confessions, XI-XIII
Confessions, VII-X
Confessions, I-VI
Catechetical Lectures 13-23 (incl. Mystagogical Catecheses)
Catechetical Lectures 1-12 with Procatechesis
Concerning Repentance
On the Decease of His Brother Satyrus
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book II-III
Selected Letters
On the Duties of the Clergy, Book I
Pastoral Care: Part II, Chapter 8
Origen Rediscovered
EWTN - Document Library -
First Apology
Epistle to the Corinthians (Completed Text)
De Principiis, Books III-IV
De Principiis, Books I-II
Epistle to the Corinthians
Concerning Virgins, To Marcellina, His Sister