Praying for a New Pentecost

Author: Fr. Al Lauer


(Bible Prayers for the Coming of the Holy Spirit)

By Father Al Lauer Presentation Ministries Abridged by EWTN Online Services

About a hundred years ago, Pope Leo XIII was inspired to call every Catholic Church in the world to pray for nine days for the coming of the Spirit. We pray this novena from the feast of Ascension to Pen- tecost each year. Pope John Paul II has reiterated Pope Leo's call to pray for the coming of the Spirit.


Father, I repent of stifling the Spirit (1 Thes 5:19) by giving in to selfish desires. May I let the Spirit lust against the desires of the flesh (Gal 5:17) so that I thirst much more strongly for the Holy Spirit (Jn 7:37).


Father, stir into flame the gift bestowed when hands were laid on me (2 Tim 1:6).


Father, by the power of the Spirit, may I devote myself "to the apostles" instruction and the communal life, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2:42).


Jesus, the Holy Spirit bears witness on Your behalf. May I bear witness as well (Jn 15:26-27) right where I am and even to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).


Father, without the Spirit I cannot please You (Rom 8:8-9). Not by my might or power but only by the Spirit can I live for You (Zech 4:6). Come, Holy Spirit!


Lord, as the Spirit moved over the waters on the day of creation (Gn 1:1), breathe on me to receive the Spirit (Jn 20:22), send forth the Spirit and renew the face of the earth (Ps 104:30).


Holy Spirit, take me in prayer to the foot of Jesus' cross. Reveal to me how I shared in crucifying Jesus through my sins. Crucify me to the ways of the world and the world to me (Gal 6:14). Crucify my flesh with its passions and desires (Gal 5:24). (This prayer is based on Pope John Paul II's encyclical on the Holy Spirit.)


Holy Spirit, through Your gifts produce Your fruit in my life. Give me "love, joy, peace, patient endurance, kindness, generosity, faith, mildness, and chastity" (Gal5:22-23).


Spirit of Truth, make me true and faithful in all my relationships -- in family, church, and work (Jn 16:13). Be the Source of unity in my life (Eph 4:3).


Father, may the Spirit of the Lord rush upon me and may I be changed into another person (1 Sam 10:6).


Jesus, thank You for giving Mary to me as my mother (Jn 19:27). Mary, Spouse of the Spirit (Lk 1:35), as you prayed in the upper room for the first Pentecost, pray for me now (Acts 1:14). "Let it be done to me" according to God's word (Lk 1:38).


The Bible contains five major lists of gifts given by the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 11 -- RENEWAL GIFTS

1. Wisdom 2. Understanding 3. Counsel 4. Strength 5. Knowledge 6. Fear of the Lord

Romans 12 -- UNITY GIFTS

7. Prophecy 8. Faith 9. Ministry 10. Teaching 11. Exhortation (Encouragement) 12. Giving 13. Leadership 14. Mercy

1 Corinthians 12:8ff -- GROWTH GIFTS

Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith 15. Healing 16. Miracles, Prophecy 17. Discernment of Spirits 18. Tongues (Praise) 19. Interpretation of Tongues 1 Corinthians 12:28ff -- GROWTH GIFTS

20. Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Miracle-workers, Healers 21. Assistants 22. Administrators, Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues

Ephesians 4:11 -- EQUIPPING GIFTS

Apostles, Prophets 23. Evangelists (Preachers) 24. Pastor-teachers (Shepherds)


25. Deliverance --Acts 19:15 26. Redemptive Suffering (Martyrdom) --Acts 7:6 27. Celibacy --Matthew 19:11; 1 Corinthians 7:1 28. Gospel poverty --Mark 10:21 29. Intercession --1 Timothy 5:5 30. Hospitality --1 Timothy 3:2

ISAIAH 11 ---------

1. WISDOM Father, I ask to be freed from doubt (Jas 1:5-6). Then I ask You for wisdom to apply Your revelation to my everyday life.

2. UNDERSTANDING Father, spare us and have mercy on us by making us an "understanding people" (Is 27:11).

3. COUNSEL Father, give me counsel to evangelize my city and to stop abortion, pornography, sexual perversion, racism, and starvation.

4. STRENGTH Father, may I grow strong in my "holy faith through prayer in the Holy Spirit" (Jude 20). May I not be timid but strong, loving, and wise (2 Tim 1:7).

5. KNOWLEDGE Father, may the earth "be filled with knowledge of the Lord, as water covers the sea" (Is 11:9).

6. FEAR OF THE LORD (PIETY) Father, let a reverent fear," overtake me (Acts 2:43) and may I "make steady progress in the fear of the Lord" (Acts 9:31).

ROMANS 12 ---------

8. FAITH Father, give us "confident assurance concerning what we hope for, and conviction about things we do not see" (Heb 11:1).

9. MINISTRY Jesus, may I follow in Your footsteps by washing others' feet (see Jn 13:14).

10. TEACHING Father, raise up teachers who are zealous, orthodox, and evangelistic.

11. EXHORTATION (ENCOURAGEMENT) "God, the source of all patience and encouragement," enable me "to live in perfect harmony" and to derive hope from "the words of encouragement in the Scriptures" (Rom 15:4-5).

12. GIVING Father, You love me so much that You gave up Your Son to die on the cross for me (Jn 3:16). I give all to You.

13. LEADERSHIP Father, may I accept the gift of leadership, even if I don't want it.

14. MERCY Father, may mercy triumph over judgment in my life (Jas 2:13).

1 CORINTHIANS 12:8ff --------------------

17. DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS Father, raise up Christians to discern the spirit behind prophecies, world events, trends, and TV programs (1 Cor 12:10).

1 CORINTHIANS 12:28ff ---------------------

20. APOSTLES Father, raise up hundreds of lay apostles in all the countries of the world.

21. ASSISTANTS Jesus, give me Your heart for the leaders of the Church so I will help them in any way I can.

22. ADMINISTRATORS Father, raise up faithful administrators of Your mysteries (1 Cor 4:1-2).

EPHESIANS 4:11 --------------

23. EVANGELISTS (PREACHERS) Jesus, may I want to share Your gospel more than I want to feel pleasure and avoid pain.

24. PASTORS-TEACHERS (SHEPHERDS) Father, appoint over us shepherds after Your own heart who will shepherd us wisely and prudently (Jer 3:15).

PRAYERS FOR OTHER SPIRITUAL GIFTS ---------------------------------

25. DELIVERANCE "St. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle and be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. Rebuke him, O God... (Prayer of St. Michael).

26. REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING (MARTYRDOM) Jesus, teach me how to share in Your sufferings by being formed into the pattern of Your death (Phil 3:10).

27. CELIBACY Lord, Your love is greater than life, marriage, or sex (Ps 63:4).

28. GOSPEL POVERTY Jesus, if You tell me to sell what I have and give to the poor, may I not walk away sad, but obey (Mk 10:21-22).

29. INTERCESSION Father, at this time in world history, I believe the gift of intercession is of special importance. May I intercede as much as possible.

30. HOSPITALITY Jesus, may I extend to others the supreme hospitality You show me in the Eucharist.

There are hundreds of other gifts in addition to these, and each Christian has several gifts of the Spirit. So we pray:

Father, distribute the gifts of the Spirit (Heb 2:4) in a lavish (Titus 3:6), unrationed way (Jn 3:34). Father, do more than we can ever ask for or imagine (Eph 3:20).


Father, we know that the gifts of the Spirit will be of no benefit (1 Cor 13:1-2) unless we love each other by laying down our lives for each other (1 Jn 3:16). Give me Your love.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Published by: Presentation Ministries 3230 McHenry Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 (513) 662-5378 Reproduced with permission.

Nihil Obstat: Rev. Robert J. Buschmiller June 19, 1992 Imprimatur: +James H. Garland. V.G. Archdiocese of Cincinnati, June 23, 1992