To Representatives of the Mass Media (21 February 1981)

Author: Pope John Paul II

 On 21 February 1981, the Holy Father, at “Radio Veritas,” addressed representatives of the mass media, to whom he spoke of their mission, while reporting the world's conflicts, to offer “messages of encouragement and reasons for hope.”

Dear friends , 

1. I am very pleased to greet you here at "Radio Veritas", in this important Catholic broadcaster in the Philippines. I greet you all with great cordiality and respect, because - as correspondents, photographers, radio and television experts - you are the spark of life and the animating spirit of the various modern communication tools. 

I ask you to always be deeply aware of your responsibility. The images you take, the sounds you record, the programs you broadcast, overcome the barriers of time and space. They reach – and, in some forms, almost instantaneously – the most remote points and the most diverse populations of the globe. What people see and hear in your broadcasts and comments profoundly influences the way they think and act. 

Everyone today, whatever their activity, and especially young people, are looking for human values ​​and principles that help them build a better world. People at every level of responsibility need values ​​and principles to build a more humane economic and social order. It is also necessary that these values ​​and principles reach these people. This is where the "tools of social communication" can serve humanity in a very particular way. This is certainly a formidable responsibility and challenge – but it can also be a wonderful contribution to humanity. 

2. During these days of my visit, the Filipino people recall the joyful welcome given by their ancestors to the first announcement of the Christian message. He reflects on the examples of generosity and heroism that this announcement aroused in him; reaffirms the Christian values ​​that it intends to preserve as the foundation of the technical, economic and social progress to which it rightly aspires. In all this it is assisted by the contribution of the media, by your generous service. 

You have the task of transmitting the events of these days to the world. For a few hours you can offer the world tormented by growing conflicts some joyful images of human solidarity, accompanied by messages of encouragement and reasons for hope. 

3. May the awareness of the importance of your mission support you in the difficulties that your work requires: changes in climate, rapid movements, different needs, deadlines that cannot be postponed. May the joy that accompanies the announcement of what is true, good and beautiful increase your energies and compensate you for your efforts. 

I ask Almighty God to grant each of you success and satisfaction in your noble mission; success and satisfaction that flow from fidelity to the truth and dedication to brotherly love. Upon your families, especially those further away, I invoke the abundance of peace and happiness. May they always be proud of you and benefit from your work. God bless you and your loved ones! 

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