To Representatives of the Social Communications Media (12 May 1980)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Monday, 12 May 1980, the Holy Father, on his flight back to Rome, expressed gratitude to the journalists and to all the agents of social communications: press, radio and television, for their coverage of his journey.

I want to express my most expressive thanks to the journalists and to all the agents of social communications: press, radio and television. First of all, to all those who have accompanied me throughout the journey, with a patience worthy of Africa, under the sun and at the cost of not a few fatigues. This is part of your profession, but I realize your merit. I also thank all those who, directly in Africa, have carried out their work of reporting, recording, information, all the more so since the program has been very dense, the same for them as for me. Lastly, I also thank those who, through the mass media , in other countries, have informed about my trip, giving it appropriate relief to their readers and listeners.

I know that other important events were taking place around the world at the same time, which have not been absent from my thoughts and prayers. But Africa also deserved, and for a long time, this place of honor. Sometimes, Africa is left out of the great debates and confrontations of world politics, and yet it also has great human problems to solve, and its efforts deserve to be encouraged. The Church must display great vitality there.

But I do not want to insist more on the meaning of my trip. It is up to you to deduce it through so many speeches and acts, simply telling the truth, what you have seen and heard. Sometimes it is difficult for non-Africans to avoid projecting onto that continent and its inhabitants opinions and interpretations that are far removed from African realities, the African soul, its aspirations and its reactions.

I have often used the word "witnesses" for Christians. Be good witnesses also you. And, once again, thank you for your cooperation.

Dear friends of the mass media :

When the history of the last quarter of this millennium is written, I am convinced that future generations will be reminded of the great contribution of the media to the cause of humanity. As for me, I will always be in your debt for having conveyed my message to the world, for having helped me reach millions of people—my brothers and sisters and yours—as a herald of peace, a messenger of hope, or simply as a friend. Yes, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your respect for the truth, for the objectivity of your narration, for your interest in the people who hear my voice through you. And through you too, I can proclaim a religious message —which for me is based on the word of a God who has revealed Himself—, a message that I offer freely and without constraint to anyone who wishes to hear it. You are really a vehicle of the truth; thanks to you the truth reaches the people and the people embrace the truth.

You have heard before now my insistence on the dignity of your task and on the importance of your function of service to the community, to the world community that wants to be sustained by that truth that builds the union of the human family. Even if you have heard all this from me before, surely these considerations will continue to be useful to you when you reflect on the responsibility that you have in your hands.

I sincerely thank you for the interest you show in following my mission, the enthusiasm in talking about it and all your collaboration. And in the same way I want to assure you of my interest in your mission, my enthusiasm for its success and my collaboration with you and all of you who work in social communications around the world. I have a special relationship with you because of the truth you serve. And I have a special relationship with the truth, because according to the words of Jesus Christ, it is precisely the truth that sets us free (cf. Jn 8:32).

I rejoice that the end of this trip through Africa means the return to your families, to the union and freedom that you experience at home, and to the love that you and your families enjoy together. Please tell the children that I have thought of them, and convey my greetings to all. For me our meeting is not over yet; I will remember him in prayer asking that the blessing of the Almighty be with you always.

Thanks again.


Copyright © Dicastero per la Comunicazione - Libreria Editrice [1] Cfr. Io. 8, 32.

© Copyright 1980 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana