To the Sick (13 June 1984)

Author: Pope John Paul II

On Wednesday, 13 June 1984, the Holy Father visited the Fribourg Cantonal Hospital. To the patients, he said, “”May you be able to find within yourselves, in the friendship of your brothers, relatives and friends, or in faith in Christ, the strength to live all the “whys” that rise from your hearts and the grace to feel useful to the world and to the Church.

On the road that takes me from the University to the sick, on the road that takes me from the University to the Grand Seminary, passing in front of the Cantonal Hospital, I would like to be the good Samaritan who does not pass by.

To you, dear sick people, I would like to express my respect and affectionate attention. May you, in the midst of your sufferings, physical or moral, your uncertainties and your hopes, be able to overcome this feeling of uselessness that sometimes takes hold of you. May you be able to find within yourselves, in the friendship of your brothers, relatives and friends, or in faith in Christ, the strength to live all the “whys” that rise from your hearts and the grace to feel useful to the world and to the Church.

To you who work in the many departments of this house, I would like to express my gratitude. 

Ich Wünsche Euch, liebe Brüder und Schwestern, daß Ihr wie der Samariter im Evangelium aus tiefem Mitgefühl heraus konkret handelt, um jedem leidenden Menschen ohne Ansehen der Person je nach Eurem Aufgabenbereich direkt oder indirekt leibliche und seelische Hilfe zu broughten. Dann wird das Spital ein Haus der Hoffnung, weil dank Eurer wahren Liebe zu jedem Menschen und zum ganzen Menschen die Wissenschaft und die Technik im Dienst der Lebens und der Gesundheit stehen.

A voi tutti salute e pace! Vi benedico nel nome del Signore.

A todos os deseo salud, gracia y paz. May God accompany and bless you!

That's it, thanks and peace to all! 

© Copyright 1984 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana


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