Fifth Week of Lent - Apr 7, 2025

Monday, Fifth Week of Lent

Nor do I condemn you. You may go. (John 8:11)


Forgiveness, in its truest and highest form, is a free act of love. But precisely because it is an act of love, it has its own intrinsic demands: the first of which isrespect for the truth. God alone is absolute truth. But He made the human heart open to the desire for truth, which He then fully revealed in His Incarnate Son.Hence we are all called to live the truth.

—Pope John Paul II

Lenten Fact

In 1342, the Franciscans were appointed as guardians of the shrines of the Holy Land. The faithful received indulgences for praying at the following stations: At Pilate’s house, where Christ met His mother, where He spoke to the women, where He met Simon of Cyrene, where the soldiers stripped Him of His garments, where He was nailed to the cross, and at His tomb.

Lenten Action

Spend the day fasting from consumerism.


Ever-living God, help us to celebrate our joy in the resurrection of the Lord and to express in our lives the love we celebrate.

Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.