Eucharistic Miracles

During each and every Mass, a miracle occurs. Jesus becomes Really, Truly, and Substantially Present under the appearances of bread and wine. The Holy Eucharist is Jesus, He said so. To God, our response should not be “Why” or “How,” but “Why not” and “Amen, so be it!” 

Nonetheless, several times in the history of the Church, there have been signs given to us affirming this truth, signs that engage our senses. In many of these cases, particularly modern ones, they have also been scientifically examined. 

Here are several videos, podcasts, and articles that discuss these Eucharistic miracles. May these stories deepen your love for Our Eucharistic Lord, who has given Himself for each one of us. 

Videos About Eucharistic Miracles
Living Divine Mercy, "Eucharistic Miracles

Living Divine Mercy, "Eucharistic Miracles

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Explore with the Miracle Hunter, “Lanciano”

Explore with the Miracle Hunter, “Lanciano”

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