Father Richard Ho Lung, EWTN Series Host, To Be Awarded Gusi Peace Prize


Irondale, AL (EWTN) – Father Richard Ho Lung, founder and Superior General of the Missionaries of the Poor, whose inspiring work with the poor was brought to the attention of the world in numerous EWTN programs, documentaries and network appearances throughout the years , will receive the Gusi Peace Prize for international humanitarianism, social services and spiritual leadership November 24 at Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay City. According to its founders, the Gusi Peace Prize is Asia’s equivalent to Norway’s Nobel Peace Prize and America’s Pulitzer Prize.

A write-up of Father’s extraordinary work on the Gusi website says: “Father Ho Lung has been in the forefront of the modern media, especially the tele-evangelism of EWTN, which has offered hundreds of hours of interviews, homilies and portrayals of the mission and the vision of the mission and the vision of the Missionaries of the Poor since the year 2000. Father Ho Lung appears regularly on EWTN in the program: ‘Church and the Poor,’ witnessing to the words of Jesus: ‘Whatever you did to the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it unto Me’ (Mt. 25:40).”

Father Ho Lung is the founder of the Catholic Church’s first male religious order in the Caribbean. The order, which now boasts more than 600 religious brothers and priests from the Caribbean, India, the Philippines, East Africa, Indonesia and the U.S., serves tens of thousands of people at 23 mission centers in eight countries. At these centers, the poorest of the poor are housed, fed, educated, healed and spiritually nourished.

For more of Father Ho Lung’s journey as chronicled by the priest himself, read “Diary of a Ghetto Priest,” which is available from EWTN Religious Catalogue, http://bit.ly/tULMG7.

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