EWTN To Air Canada’s 2018 National March for Life - Host Kevin Dunn Returns With Pro-Life YouTube Sensation Stephanie Gray


EWTN will air complete coverage of Canada’s 21th National March for Life, live from Ottawa. The event airs 11:30 a.m. ET to 4:30 p.m. ET, Thursday, May 10 on EWTN and will also be streamed live on EWTN’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/ewtnonline.

In-Studio commentary for the five-hour event, and reports on the accompanying marches in six provinces, will be provided by EWTN President Doug Keck and EWTN Chaplain Joseph Mary.

On-the-ground coverage of the March will feature Kevin Dunn – a three-time Gemini Award-winning Producer (Canada’s version of the Emmy’s), entertainer, musician, and proud father of six, who has done programs for EWTN on the Holy Land and euthanasia, and Co-Host Stephanie Gray, President of Love Unleashes Life.

Gray was the Commencement Speaker at the March for Life Conference in Washington, D.C., which is held the day before the March, as well as a much heralded speaker whose pro-life talk at Google went viral. (See it here: http://bit.ly/2FASDrN, as well as an interview (scroll to the nine-minute mark) with “EWTN Pro-Life Weekly” here: http://bit.ly/2JIUPQ8.)

In addition, the Canadian March will feature video from London’s first March for Life, which is expected to make for some must-see viewing because it comes on the heels of the tragic death of Alfie Evans. As most of the world watched in horror, the parents’ wishes for the medical care of their 23-month-old son were overridden by the country’s medical and legal establishment.

This year’s theme is “Pro-Life ALL. IN.”

“The 2018 theme encourages everyone to re-commit themselves to the pro-life movement by going ALL IN,” Dunn said. “ALL IN to defend human life at every stage. ALL IN to speak the truth in the face of adversary. ALL IN to accept the consequences for standing up for what we believe is right and just. ALL IN without exceptions, without excuses, without compromises.”

This past year has not been an easy one for pro-life Canadians and people of faith.

“With the assault on freedom of expression, religion, and conscience from the highest levels of government – Justin Trudeau’s politicization of the Canada Summer Jobs Program and the silencing of pro-life speech by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s bubble zones; the widespread promotion of abortion in Canada and throughout the world with the Federal government’s international abortion funds; and the spreading of deadly chemical abortions to each province, paid by the taxpayer – the March for Life is needed that much more,” Dunn said.

In the face of all of this, Dunn says: “Pro-life Canadians [and people of faith from every country in the world] need to ask themselves the question: ‘Am I “All In” in my day-to-day life?’”

Start your “All In” experience at 11:30 a.m. ET, Thursday, May 10 on EWTN and let us know what you pro-life activities you plan to participate in this year on EWTN’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/ewtnonline.

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