“Never lose sight of the fact that you are beloved of God.”
- Mother Angelica, EWTN Foundress (1923 – 2016)

No matter our circumstances, our faith is a daily source of comfort. Holy Scripture and the Saints remind us that God loves us infinitely and is always with us.

With this in mind, we have created a place to help you find joy, comfort, and hope. Here, you’ll find prayers, Mass and Adoration links, news from a Catholic perspective, and educational resources.

Get the free eBook, Comfort from Scripture and the Saints
This eBook combines stunning photography from EWTN's Vatican Bureau along with Bible passages and saints' quotes that will calm your heart, give you hope, and remind you that God is with us always. Simply fill out the form below and we will send this to you!

Daily Mass and Readings
When you are unable to attend Mass, EWTN is here for you with a variety of options. You can visit our Daily Mass and Readings page to watch a video of today’s Mass.
Watch the Mass live in your area at 12:00 PM
Watch Live
You can watch live from one of our many channels around the world. When on the Watch Live page, click “United States” to choose a different country and alternate satellite feed.
Listen Live
You can listen live from one of our radio stations from around the world. When on the Listen Live page, click “United States” to choose a different country and alternate satellite feed.
Channel Finder
To watch the televised Mass from Our Lady of Angels Chapel located at EWTN – or to watch many other inspirational and informative programs – you can use our television channel finder for domestic or international listings.

Prayers and Devotions

"For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."

- St. Therese of Lisieux

Whether you want to find basic Catholic prayers, novenas, prayers to the Blessed Mother and the Saints, or litanies, EWTN has many prayers for you.

And if you have a special intention that you want to share with us, we would love to join with you in prayer.


In a treasured classic from EWTN, Mother Angelica talks about the difficulties in our life – and how God is with us always. Also, in an episode of EWTN Live, Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Fr. John Riccardo discuss combatting despair and anxiety with hope in the Lord.

More Spiritual Resources

EWTN has many resources to inspire, comfort, and inform you.